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Schedule Contests Cosplay Events Panels Charity Auction

Sakura-Con Programming features fan-run and industry panels, Club Sakura dances, opening/closing ceremonies, gaming, as well as special performances. The majority of our content comes from our membership; that means fans as such as yourself play a huge role in making Sakura-Con a success. Thank you!


The Sakura-Con ratings system provides an informal unified guide to age ratings for both live events and video programming. 


Each year Sakura-con hosts a variety of contests. We accept a wide range of participants, from first time artists to professionals, as long as you're a registered member.

Cosplay Events

Cosplay Events are the largest Fan-panel content at Sakura-Con! We have created this new department to showcase this Highlighted Content and facilitate their popularity! Sakura-Con Cosplay Frames


In its humble beginning, Sakura-Con was a small group of fans coming together to share ideas in a local anime store. Fan panels continue the tradition of making friends and cover a wide range of topics.

Black Tie Ball

Come and enjoy Sakura-con's yearly Black Tie ball! Put on your fanciest finery, don your most ornate mask, and waltz the night away in the most blissfully antiquated way. To keep the mood, we will enforce formal garb and a facial covering. Don't miss the perfect excuse to make use of your best dress!

Cosplay Chess

Sakura-Con Cosplay Chess Rules Eligibility: Cosplay Chess: Saturday Main and Sunday Improv This event is open to all registered convention attendees. You must have a valid Sakura-Con badge for the day of the pre-meet and match in order to participate....

Manga Library

The Sakura-Con Manga Library is available 24/7 throughout the con. There are library staffers on duty to check your bags, help you find great manga, and answer questions.


The Wired Rooms are a unique feature of Sakura-Con! We are pleased to provide the largest free gaming suite of any anime convention on the west coast.


Our schedule may look a little different this year. We are bringing you more panels, expanded room hours, more Main Stage content, and so much more for 2024!Want a PDF Copy of our schedule? You can download it here, but please note that it may be out of date. For the most current schedule, please see the schedules below or our mobile app.

Charity Auction

Charity Auction is Sakura-Con’s yearly partnership with the Alaska/Washington Make-A-Wish foundation chapter to help raise money to support their mission to provide strength, hope and transformation for children with critical illnesses. 


2025 Sakura-Con Dance!