Pannon (The Pannonator’s Pan-Tastic Cosplays) has been cosplaying since 2001. Over the past 21 years, she’s refined her craft and competed all over the United States and abroad! Pannon has won over 60 awards nationwide and represented the US twice in international competitions. First in 2014 as part of the World Cosplay Summit, and again in 2017 for The Netherlands’ C4 competition.
Though she still competes in the international circuit, Pannon has also judged for over 30 contests, returning as an Alumni Judge for the World Cosplay Summit, as well as several national cosplay contests. She has made everything from mascots for pro sports teams like the Denver Broncos and Chicago Bulls, to red-carpet and Fashion Week looks worn around the world. She loves sharing her knowledge and positivity with the cosplay community and runs a cosplay advice podcast together with her co-hosts (VFire and CrestSphinx), “Cosplay Stitch and Seam.”