
Cosplay Chess Applications are open for another week!

You can apply here: 2025 Sakura-Con Cosplay Chess Application

If you’ve never been in Cosplay Chess before and just want to sample the carnage, consider applying for our Improv Cosplay Chess where the audience gets to be a part of the action! If you’d rather watch from the sidelines, we are also looking for Stage Ninjas to help with special moves and to keep the fights moving along. No headbands required, but there will be running involved! If you have any questions about Cosplay Chess, please feel free to send an email to

Hope to see you at Sakura-Con 2025!


Opening Ceremonies Video Contest is now Open!

Attention all AMV creators and video editors! Enjoy making videos? Love Sakura-Con? Want to help get people pumped up? Why not try your hand at making us a video for our Opening Ceremonies?

We want our opening video to start Sakura-Con off right, and we want you to do it. What’s in it for us? We get an awesome video to play in front of everyone at Opening Ceremonies. What’s in it for you? Getting to show off your stuff in front of everyone at Opening Ceremonies, and two complimentary memberships for Sakura-Con 2019. It’s win-win for everyone!

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Cosplay Chess Forms are now Open!

Come one come all to the brawl of the year! Magic versus Melee! Fisticuffs and spells. Join us and put your best defense on the line!

Cosplay Chess is now accepting applications for all three games, Friday Night’s Late Night, Saturday’s Main and Sunday’s Improv.

Please apply at: Sakura-Con 2019 Cosplay Chess Form

If you have any questions, please email us at

Press Application Form are Open

Sakura-Con welcomes and appreciates media coverage.

Please complete the press application below to request a press badge to Sakura-Con. You may be contacted with questions in the process of determining approval for a press badge, so please be sure to add to your email address book or email white list in order to receive emails from Sakura-Con Press. All applications must be received electronically by March 31st.

Press Applications are now open!

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Sakura-Con 2019 AMV Contest Open!

The Sakura-Con 2019 AMV Contest is now open for submissions!

Sakura-Con’s AMV contest is an event for fans to showcase their creative talents in the form of music videos. The Contest is open to anyone, be they amateur or professional!

Submissions signups and contest rules can be found HERE.

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Sakura-Con will be at Japan Week!

Sakura-Con is attending Japan Week at Bellevue College on Saturday Oct 6th.

We will have a table from 10AM to 5PM and we’ll be holding a cosplay contest from 4:15-5PM. Come sign up at the booth by 3PM and be ready to line up by 3:55 by the left of the stage.

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Chinatown Seafair Parade

If you’d like to participate in our section of the Chinatown Seafair Parade (aka the Cosplay parade!) please follow these instructions:

Date: July 22nd, 6-6:30PM line up. Parade starts at 7PM.

Objective: To show Seattle what Sakura-Con cosplay is all about!!

Where: Meet at approximately King Street and 8th Avenue.

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After Con 2018 Newsletter

Thank you everyone for such an amazing 21st year! Sakura Con is “By Fans, For Fans” and isn’t accomplished without the support and hard work of everyone, including our volunteers, attendee members, sponsors and community partners. Thank you all for your amazing work this year! This Newsletter is a reflection back on the events that happened throughout the Con! We have contest winners, Special Guest Interviews, and Photos from a variety of events from throughout the weekend!

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AMV Contest 2018 Winners

The winners for the 2018 AMV Contest are:

Bullets Rain’ by Rider4Z  – WINNER: JUDGE’S CHOICE
Pride + Prejudice + Butlers’ by BecauseImBored1 – WINNER: BEST TRAILER
‘A Corner of Home’ by Nekokitkat – WINNER: BEST DRAMA
‘SPF (Stereotypical Party Filler)’ by Gina Nelson  – WINNER: BEST UPBEAT
‘Counter’ by UnluckyArtist – WINNER: BEST TECHNICAL
‘Hell of a Feeling’ by shorisquared – WINNER: BEST ACTION
‘Ultimate Showdown of My Anime Library’ by NapThyme – WINNER: BEST HUMOR
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Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who helped make our 21st year such a success! “By Fans, For Fans” isn’t accomplished without the support and hard work of everyone, including our volunteers, attendee members, sponsors and community partners. Best wishes to you all, until next year!