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Cosplay Contest

Sakura-Con 2025 Cosplay Contest

See your favorite characters come to life on stage!  The Sakura-Con Cosplay Contest  is a competition showcase of costume construction and stage performance, open to Cosplayers of all levels of experience.  This is NOT a Popularity Contest or a Look-a Like Contest.
You may choose to sign up for Craftsmanship (Costume Display and Stage Walk) Performance Only, or Performance AND Craftsmanship (limit one entry per person).

Due to the popularity of this event, we have to be strict about submissions.  Sign-ups are processed on a first-come- first-served basis, separated by category.  All submissions will be reviewed by the Cosplay Staff in the order they are received. Those not completed fully and correctly according to submission requirements below, will be rejected and asked to re-submit.  Please take the time to thoroughly read the rules, and ask any questions before sign-ups are open.

All correspondence for the contest (including initial acceptance and rejection/revision emails) will be coming from cosplay.contests@sakuracon.org In the past, our emails have been caught in some spam filters, even by those who previously received emails from us without issue.  Please make sure to add this email to your ‘allowed’ address list, and check your spam folders regularly.

We are not responsible for any missed emails due to individual provider’s spam filters.

For any questions regarding the rules and sign-up details, please contact the Cosplay Coordinator at cosplay.contests@sakuracon.org

Due to the length and detail of the rules, they may be difficult to navigate on a smartphone. We recommend viewing them on a PC or larger-screened mobile device such as a tablet.

Sakura-Con 2025 Cosplay Contest Official Rules

Sakura-Con 2025 Cosplay Contest Sign-ups

Here are some nice cosplay frames you can use: Sakura-Con Frames

*Coordinator and staff have the final say on rules. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. SakuraCon and ANCEA are not responsible for any damage or loss to a prop or costume brought on-site.

Skit Contest 18+ is Here