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Opening Ceremonies video contest is Open!

Attention all AMV creators and video editors! Enjoy making videos? Love Sakura-Con?

Want to help get people pumped up? Why not try your hand at making us a video for our Opening Ceremonies?

We want our opening video to start Sakura-Con off right, and we want you to do it. What’s in it for us? We get an awesome video to play in front of everyone at Opening Ceremonies. What’s in it for you? Getting to show off your stuff in front of everyone at Opening Ceremonies, and two complimentary memberships for Sakura-Con 2020. It’s win-win for everyone!

Interested? Head on over HERE (https://sakuracon.org/programming/contests/opening-ceremonies-video-contest/) to see the rules and requirements. You have until February 14, 2020 to submit your entry.